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Mrs. Eichner's L.S. Class Syllabus


General Statement:  Although we will be doing a lot of work in this class throughout the school year, I plan to have a fun-filled, interactive learning experience.  I have high expectations for all of you, so I expect you to be on your best behavior and to fulfill the expectations for this class.  J


Course Overview:  A variety of different teaching methods will be used, including all of the following:


  • direct instruction,

  • group discussion,

  • in-class activities,

  • group work,

  • individual projects,

  • cooperative learning,

  • differentiation,

  • research papers, and more.


We will be analyzing the following units of study during the year:


  • Short Story

(The Most Dangerous Game and other miscellaneous stories)


  • Shakespearean Drama (Romeo and Juliet)


  • The Novel

(Paul Zindel’s The Pigman or another novel)


  • Vocabulary



  • Grammar

(The Holt Handbook: Third Course)


  • Composition

(Essays, including the Research Paper)


Grading Procedures:  You will be graded accordingly based on a points system.  Points are determined upon how much time, effort, skill, and creativity is needed for the assignment.  For instance, a written paper in class will be worth more points than a homework assignment.  The grades will be weighted as follows:


Class Assignments/Binder




Discussions/Class Participation



*In addition to the essays, you will be completing a research paper during a marking period of the school year.  If you do not complete this essay (and all of the steps in their entirety), you will automatically fail for the entire year, no matter what your grade is.  This is a policy in every English class for every single school year.



Materials/Resources:  You will need the following for this class:


  • 2” Three-Ring Binder (or bigger) – All of your work will be organized and placed into this binder throughout the school year; therefore, you must hold onto all of your assignments, tests, and quizzes.  Do not throw anything away or lose anything.  Every Monday (or whatever day begins that week), we will organize the binder, so you need to bring it to class along with all of your assignments or handouts from that week.


  • Writer's Notebook – At least three times a week (if not more), you will be writing in this notebook. Therefore, you need it every day in class, no matter what.  It is essential that you do not come into class without this.  ( A spiral bound single subject notebook works well. They have been $.17 at Walmart).


  • Everyday Classroom Materials – Any necessary materials that you will need on a daily basis, like a pen/pencil, your book bag, notebook paper, a binder, planner, etc.


  • Journal – I will provide you with this.


Classroom Rules:   There are four rules that all students should abide by at all times.  These rules and procedures will be discussed the first day of school and will be implemented throughout the school year.


  • Be respectful to yourself and others, as well as classroom materials.

  • Be responsible for your own actions and the consequences of those actions.

  • Always come prepared to class.

  • Always try your best!


Classroom Procedures:   There are a few procedures that all students should abide by at all times.


  • First Five, Last Five - if you need to leave the room for any reason, you will do this in the first five minutes of class or the last five.  This includes bathroom and any other necessary reasons to leave.  In addition, you must sign out in your agenda book and room register, no matter what, and get a teacher signature.

  • The Bin - when turning in your work, you must place it in the designated bin.

  • Journal - every day upon arriving to class, you will grab your journal and begin (or possibly complete) the journal prompt.

  • Missed Work Bin - when you miss a day of class, go into the missed work bin and grab the necessary worksheets you missed.

  • Book Bags & Purses - they should remain on the floor out of people's way in order to avoid trips or falls.


Discipline Policy: The classroom runs on a “three strikes and you’re out” system.  If you do not abide by the above rules, the following will happen:

1st Warning:  This is a freebee.  Stop what you’re doing, take a deep breath, and continue on with class as if nothing happened.  If you do this, you can avoid further punishment.

2nd Warning:  An email or phone call will be sent home about your behavior.

3rd Warning: You will receive a class detention for your behavior.  Depending upon the degree of your misbehavior, you may be punished further.  See the handbook for details on the degrees/levels of punishment.



Contact Information:  If at any time you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


                                  Mrs. Eichner

Phone number:       610-863-1293 Extension 3107





Parent/Guardian  Contact Information:

Please provide us with your contact information, so that I may further communicate with you.

Parent/Guardian Email (if applicable): ____________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone Number (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________

Alternate phone number where you can be reached:____________________________________________________________

Students and parents, please think of the above as a contract that students are to abide by at all times in class.  Both parties should be completely aware of the consequences of one’s actions in Mrs. Eichner’s classroom upon signing the lines below.  In addition, this contract will be kept in Mrs. Eichner's possession throughout the entire school year, signed and dated by both parties.


As a student, I have read and understand all of the above.  I will abide by both Mrs. Eichner’s rules and will undergo the consequences if I do happen to misbehave.


Student Print:            __________________________________________________________________      
Student Sign & Date:  __________________________________________________________________ 


As a parent/guardian, I have read and understand all of the above.  I know the consequences of my son/daughter’s actions while in Mrs. Eichner’s class.  I have provided all contact information available to ensure proper communication of my son/daughter’s progress in English class.


Parent Print:              __________________________________________________________________           

Parent Sign & Date:   __________________________________________________________________    




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